Archive for September, 2009

Sep 24 2009

Tech Stewards as ethnographers

Last May’s CHIFOO presentation was a great talk about reading by Cathy Marshall. Here are Marshall’s slides from which I’ve borrowed some images to talk about her work in this post. Marshall read (out loud, from the slide on the screen) that: “Nothing is more commonplace than the experience of reading, and yet nothing is […]

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Sep 16 2009

iSimulate as a nexus for a CoP of economists

Cross posted from Nancy’s blog I’ve been doing a  series of podcast conversations on my Full Circle blog about the use of social media in international development. As I was recording  this week’s with Gauresh Rajadhyaksh, I realized I was talking to a type of technology steward and I should cross post here on the […]

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Sep 09 2009

Nancy White interview

Published by under History

Here’s an 8-minute interview with Nancy White, where I ask her several questions about what’s important about the book, how it came to be, and what’s left out.  You can tell that I’ve edited out about 10 minutes of discussion.  This could have been a very long conversation since we both feel the topic is […]

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