Mar 08 2010
Talking with strangers
The surprise that you want to have when your book is published is to move a conversation forward and to pick up on the conversation with new people. At least that’s what I think now, after Digital Habitats has been out for a while.
One of my big hopes is to see people actually put the diagrams and schemes to work. I struck up a conversation with Derek Moore on Twitter ( because Nancy White pointed out a diagram that he posted.
After a few exchanges via direct messages in Twitter, we resorted to email. He shared this diagram, an updated version of the Tools Landscape diagram he had posted on Twitter. His version has fewer tools on it than the version on page 60 of the book and it has some new ones. I was working on a blog post where I wanted to revise the diagram and I was struck by how elegant and clean Derek’s version was. And very pleased to see someone else put the idea to work.
I thought it was interesting that I misinterpreted “life streaming” as “live streaming” (e.g., video). And I was really surprised and delighted to realize that the .png format can have layers in it. That is, with software like Adobe’s Fireworks, you can replace layers in Derek’s version of the diagram. So the conversation keeps going – not only through Twitter, email, blog posts, but via revisions of each other’s diagrams.
But we’re not longer strangers.
7 responses so far
Twitter Comment
very nice tools landscape diagram by @weblearning adapted from Wenger/White/Smith [link to post]
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Twitter Comment
RT @jclarey: very nice tools landscape diagram by @weblearning adapted from Wenger/White/Smith #DigitalHabitats [link to post]
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Twitter Comment
RT @NancyWhite: RT @jclarey: very nice tools landscape diagram by @weblearning adapted from #DigitalHabitats [link to post]
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Twitter Comment
RT @NancyWhite RT @jclarey very nice tools landscape diagram by @weblearning adapted from Wenger/White/Smith DH [link to post] #edtech
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Twitter Comment
The #DigitalHabitats hashtag has lots of resources about the book [link to post] #jjff
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Twitter Comment
RT @NancyWhite RT @jclarey very nice tools landscape diagram by @weblearning adapted from Wenger/White/Smith DH [link to post]
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Twitter Comment
RT @jclarey: very nice tools landscape diagram by @weblearning [link to post] => sehr übersichtlich! #e-learning
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