Archive for July, 2010

Jul 06 2010

Tech steward meet tech mentor

(Cross-posted from my Learning Alliances blog.) Recently I finished a remarkably useful book: Mizuko Ito, et al. Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out: Kids Living and Learning With New Media (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2009). It has some common ancestry with ours, since the first authors of both Hanging Out and Digital Habitats were […]

13 responses so far

Jul 05 2010

Putting our diagrams to work

Our goal in writing Digital Habitats was to recognize and move forward the literacies that are involved in stewarding technology for communities.  We are happy when people put our ideas to work and appreciate it when people use our diagrams for that purpose.  If you write us requesting permission to use the diagrams in a […]

7 responses so far