Archive for the tag 'configuration'

May 10 2011

Curating our personal technology configurations

(Cross posted on FullCirc and NWWCoP, plus a Russian translation here.) A conversation emerging in the Network Weaving Community of Practice (NWWCoP) focuses on this question: how can/do we use social media for intentionally weaving our networks? As we prepare for a synchronous conversation today, I realized I can frame this question from a technology […]

3 responses so far

Aug 12 2009

Personal tech configuration as steward’s springboard

(Crossposted from Nancy’s blog) Recently I wrote a post on my blog that received a lot of attention – more than I would have expected: How I use social media. At the end of the post, I promised to write about WHAT social media I currently use. I  think of the constellation of tools a […]

16 responses so far