Archive for August, 2009

Aug 28 2009

Making webinar software more open

I’ve always found webinar software like WebEx, Elluminate, or GoToMeeting to be constraining and, because they try to be a “total solution” they don’t play well with other uses or software. Because they’re popular they’re used in situations where they’re inappropriate. The Digital Habitats wiki, for example, doesn’t go into enough detail about their uses […]

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Aug 13 2009

About this blog

Published by under Overview

Welcome to our website and blog: it complements our book, Digital Habitats: stewarding technology for community. Get in touch with us, find out more about the book, about us authors, and get excerpts and additional material that complement the book. You can buy the book here.

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Aug 12 2009

Personal tech configuration as steward’s springboard

(Crossposted from Nancy’s blog) Recently I wrote a post on my blog that received a lot of attention – more than I would have expected: How I use social media. At the end of the post, I promised to write about WHAT social media I currently use. I  think of the constellation of tools a […]

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