Archive for the 'Resources' Category

Dec 22 2016

Happy Holidays: Free download of Digital Habitats!

Published by under General,Resources

It is hard to believe we finished “Digital Habitat: Stewarding technology for communities” back in 2009. 7 years later the book is still selling on Amazon (amazing! grateful!). Etienne Wenger, John D. Smith and I wrote the book to help you support your communities. Now we have a little solstice, holiday, year end present for […]

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Mar 30 2012

Kindle edition of Digital Habitats

It has been a while in coming! People have been asking about an e-book version of Digital Habitats since it was published almost 3 years ago!  It seems logical, given that technology is a central theme of the book.  Especially when it’s been assigned as reading in a class or workshop and people have scruples […]

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Dec 30 2011

Editable version of Chapter 10 – Action Notebook

We wrote Chapter 10 of Digital Habitats as a combination summary of the whole book and as a workbook that organizes the content in a roughly chronological / process order (instead of the logical, expository order we use in the book itself).  We imagined that people would copy pages of the book and write their […]

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Aug 04 2011

An electronic edition is in press

Published by under Resources

“In press” as in “in the works” not in a printing press.  We’re working on an electronic edition of Digital Habitats.  Can’t say how long it will take, but we are  working on it.  It turns out that all those tables and pictures that make the book a useful handbook present some special challenges when […]

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Jul 05 2010

Putting our diagrams to work

Our goal in writing Digital Habitats was to recognize and move forward the literacies that are involved in stewarding technology for communities.  We are happy when people put our ideas to work and appreciate it when people use our diagrams for that purpose.  If you write us requesting permission to use the diagrams in a […]

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Mar 08 2010

Talking with strangers

The surprise that you want to have when your book is published is to move a conversation forward and to pick up on the conversation with new people.  At least that’s what I think now, after Digital Habitats has been out for a while. One of my big hopes is to see people actually put […]

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Nov 30 2009

Community Technology Spidergram Evolves Again

It is so lovely having a fabulous network – including people I just barely know, but who then hook in with a moment of insight, a remix or ready to augment a forming idea or practice. Gabriele Sani from World Vision in Italy has recently done this with the Community Orientations Spidergram from our Digital […]

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Apr 02 2009

Digital Habitats Community Orientation Spidergram Activity

Cross posted from Nancy’s Blog A couple of people have asked me for more materials related to the Community Orientations Spidergram activity. I have embedded them into some slides now up … Digital Habitats Community Orientation Spidergram Activity. Here is a hint I should have shared earlier. The “context” orientation is a bit odd on […]

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Feb 02 2009

Digital Habitats Readers Guide

As we wend our way down the path to final publication of the book, friends have asked us to share some of the bits and pieces that we have been using in our work and workshops. One of those is the Reader’s Guide and Action Notebook. This is now chapter 10 in the book and […]

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Apr 18 2008

Connected Futures workshop

We’re wrapping up our plans and materials for our new workshop, developed and presented by Beth Kanter, Beverly Trayner, Bronwyn Stuckey, Etienne Wenger, John D. Smith, Nancy White, Nick Noakes, Shawn Callahan, Shirley Williams, and Susanne Nyrop.It includes a lot of modeling of learning interactions, stratagems, and tactics using a dozen different social technologies. We’re […]

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