Ward Cunningham just recently set up his own channel on YouTube and has edited a conversation we had last Fall. His philosophy for conducting interviews is simple and effective: make guests feel comfortable and ask them questions that make them look good. He did a great job making me feel comfortable. We start by talking […]
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Tags: Technology stewardship
We’re wrapping up our plans and materials for our new workshop, developed and presented by Beth Kanter, Beverly Trayner, Bronwyn Stuckey, Etienne Wenger, John D. Smith, Nancy White, Nick Noakes, Shawn Callahan, Shirley Williams, and Susanne Nyrop.It includes a lot of modeling of learning interactions, stratagems, and tactics using a dozen different social technologies. We’re […]
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Tags: CP2tech, Technology stewardship
I ran across this slide in a larger deck used by a colleague to deal with a set of technology decisions for the communities of practice in her company: | View | Upload your own Apart from the way that Etienne’s classification scheme has been modified slightly to be relevant to the issues on the […]
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Tags: Technology stewardship