Feb 02 2009

Tools Wiki

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When we first started writing “Digital Habitats” together, we were simply working on an update of a report that focused on “tools for communities of practice.”  However, we found that the number of tools was growing so fast and their features were changing so quickly that putting it all into something as solid as a report or a book didn’t make sense. At the same time, we were gradually shifting towards a more analytical view of how tools were used in practice and the role of technology steward.

We still recognized the need to be able to look at tools and platforms. First we created a grid to put into the book’s appendix. That grew too large and again, risked being stale. Eventually we decided  to put them in  their own wiki.  We had great dreams of fleshing out the wiki, overlaying both technical information and the stewarding approaches we included in the book. But in reality, this is the job of more than three over-busy people.

As of January, 2008, we decided  to donate the entire body of material to CPsquare. There the wiki would both add value to the community and benefit from the care and attention a larger group of people could give to the wiki.  CPsquare has since ceased to exist.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Tools Wiki”

  1. […] to a new term ‘digital habitats’, but more about that later, in the meantime checkout http://technologyforcommunities.com/tools/. This wiki has been put together by the authors of the book. LD_AddCustomAttr("AdOpt", "1"); […]

  2. […] Tools For Communities Wiki a companion piece to a forthcoming book Stewarding Technologies for Communities of Practice by Etienne Wenger, Nancy White and John D. Smith. … It collects knowledge about how Communities of Practice use different tools. (tags: Books Wikis) […]

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