Jul 29 2009

The Book is Almost a Reality (so lots to do!)

Published by at 3:04 pm under History

To what extent do participants in joint activi...
Image via Wikipedia

The manuscript is at our printer, Lightingsource. The cover is done. The index is done. We await the proofs, knowing full well there will be errors and typos, despite the best effort of us and our friends who have been helping out. But Digital Habitats is about to emerge. The tentative date is August 15, 2009.

What we now realized as self-publishers is that there is still so much to do. Get this site cleaned up and visually congruent with the book cover. Add important information like how to contact us, our upcoming speaking and workshop schedules in case anyone wants to piggy back a book event. All the great pre-release reviews that have been done and collected. ‘

These transformations will be done live here on the book blog, so check back, subscribe and by all means, kibbutz, make suggestions etc. After all, this IS about community!

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “The Book is Almost a Reality (so lots to do!)”

  1. John Smith says:

    Trying to figure out chat-catcher… Ready to move to a new level (of the same old thing: trying to get all the tools in our repertoire to work together!)…

  2. Twitter Comment

    The Book is Almost a Reality (so lots to do!)
    Image via Wikipedia The manuscript is at our printer, Lightin.. [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  3. OK, just had a squizz at an advance copy sitting in the back of Nancy’s car, and have ordered a copy.
    Well done!! Lots to think about – Derek

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