Apr 02 2010

Yi-Tan call on Monday, April 5

Published by at 5:10 pm under Events,Technology stewardship

If you’ve never participated in one of Jerry Michalski’s Yi-Tan phone calls, you are in for a tweet.  Join Jerry, Etienne, Nancy and John on Monday April 5 at 10:30 am, to discuss:

  • How has technology changed what it means for communities to “be together”?
  • What is the role of a technology steward? the key skills? the new terms of art?
  • Where can we see these stewards in action? How can we learn these skills?

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One Response to “Yi-Tan call on Monday, April 5”

  1. Twitter Comment

    Yi-Tan call on Monday, April 5: If you’ve never participated in one of Jerry Michalski’s Yi-Tan phone calls , you… [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

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